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Steel moulds for lego interlocking blocks
Lego blocks have long been used in Europe as building "bricks" in the construction of infrastructure, civil and industrial facilities for various purposes.
Versatile lego blocks video
Lego blocks do not require any masonry mortar for bonding during construction: the groove-spike joint system firmly connects the blocks and improves the overall mechanical and envi
Steel moulds for lego blocks are now made in Russia too!
Steel moulds for lego blocks are now made in Russia too! The products of the M-Konstruktor manufacturer hold their own against those of foreign origin in terms of workmanship and s
Lego blocks have long been used in Europe as building “bricks”
Steel moulds for lego blocks are now made in Russia too! The products of the M-Konstruktor manufacturer hold their own against those of foreign origin in terms of workmanship and s
The clamp for concrete blocks
We present to you another short video: this time we tested block clamp for concrete blocks. Block clamp (traverse) is designed for moving and mounting of blocks within the construc
Steel moulds for concrete. Plant M-Konstruktor
Plant “M-Konstruktor” has been established for over 22 years. Our key focus areas are: • Steel moulds and concrete equipment • Production of steel constructions for buildin
Need help choosing lego blocks and additional equipment?

We guarantee quality in accordance with strict technical requirements and recommendations.

Shipping services
Offers a wide range of services to meet your delivery needs for your business.

Consulting and Integration
We offer industry and technology-specific expertise to address your unique challenges.
About us
Today, M-Konstruktor is one of the leading steel moulds and concrete equipment manufacturers in Russia with more than 25 years of experience.